Privett Hatchery Lavender Wyandotte Chicks
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SKU: 93224
Lavender Wyandotte
These birds are good for more than their lacy looks. A deep lavender color is apparent even in the chicks of this variety. In adults, the lavender set off against the bright red comb and yellow legs make for a truly striking appearance.They are also great egg layers. Wyandottes are one of the most strikingly beautiful chickens to grace a backyard flock. Developed in New York, they are quiet, easy to manage, and one of the most winter-hardy of all breeds.
•Broodiness: Occasionally
•Cold and Heat Hardy: Yes
•Mature Weight: Approx. 5-6 lbs.
•Purpose: Dual-Purpose
•Production: Approx. 245 Medium Cream Eggs/Yr.
•Nature: Docile, Calm, Easy Going